
Friday, November 7, 2008

Lessons from Jeff Immelt, CEO GE

Just finished watching a great video, courtsey a colleague in the MBA class, Imad.

The video was about Jeff Immelt's visit to NYU Stern School of Business, participated live by 6 other business schools from around the world. Here is the link to the video -

The session was mindblowing. What was impressive were the lessons for an MBA student. He was asked various question but the common theme centered around
  1. Learn to "LEARN".
  2. Learn to "MEET PEOPLE"
  3. Be "COOL".
Other important things I could draw from the lecture were about the sectors that would be important and the areas where an MBA student should and could focus on
  1. Infrastructure
  2. Technology
  3. Energy
  4. Education
Last thing to draw from the lecture was - "Believe in a cause and live for the cause like your life is dependent on it. Do NOT delegate. "

I am impressed. Now it is the practice time, let me see how far can I go with these learnings. It is 'Miles to go Before I sleep'.

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