
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Very late in posting.. Apologies

Apologies to all who visited me over the past few days and did not find anything new. I have hardly had time in past few days and I think few of you might relate to me. I am quite of sync with the body and the course demands. I think some of the demands are simply outrageous. Body demands rest and course demands attention, I am thinking of various means to put an end to this misery of mine. Someone said the solution is simple - Sleep. The question is - When?

Well, I think my absence from the blog world helped me a bit. I have finished my accounting assignment and various other things seem to be on track. That as of now is current update.

Now, some history. 

Barcamp went really well. I had never planned for the structure that eventually took shape, but that is the beauty of barcamps. They have no structure and they are all very fluid. No one, outside the course attended but whoever came in appreciated the concepts and some were demanding it to be a weekly or a fortnightly affiar. Sorry folks, next one will be there but it will be some time in the summer time. Need support and logistics for that. MBA foyer will not do as a venue.

Thanks to all who made that happen. Participants, Jeet in particular, MBA office staff for the supplies and venue and all others who helped in whatever way. Thank you once again.

The other important news of this week is the visit of the class to Airbus (Wings) factory here at Chester and to United Biscuits factory at Charlisle. I went to Airbus factory and saw something which was amazing. Entire world has seen the Airbus A380 on TV or pictures, I saw the real wings, wings getting manufactured, shipped over sea and air to Toulouse in France. The factory was a massive place and it is definitely an experience that I will cherish for a long time.

Right now, I have Operations Management to read, submit Accounting assignment, read for Finance exam next week and also think about other assignments which I have not so far.

3 more weeks before I head back home for a short break. Don't know if that will be a break with various assignments submissions looming large as soon as school reopens, but will try to have some good fun and homely food.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthday surprise

What an epiphany in just 5 hours after posting the last post. There were bunch of blokes (17+1) banging on my door in the middle of night (12.25). While some were expected, my expectations were surely "outnumbered". Altogether, it was a pleasant experience. It is not daily that I see people in such a large strength on my door to wish me on my b'day and splatter my face with chocolate cake after it had been ceremoniously cut.

It was fun. It was surely a great feeling. After a long time, I got some birthday bumps. It is originally a UK tradition and the guys followed it in spirit.

Just wanted to thank who all wished me on my day and made it a memorable day. It surely is a day worth remembering away from family with new friends. Will cherish for a very long time.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Titleless post.. THIS is NOT the title of this post<@?

What a depressing day!! Right now I am in no mood to work and for past 1 hour or so I am feeling like a spent force. This weather, absence of people to talk to (how many times can you talk to same set of people daily?) and I don't know what else (can't think of more things).

I am really getting bored sitting on the same chair, same laptop, same room, same books, same chores in life, even my online radio station doesn't changes the songs, man!.. have I paid for all this, no. Definitely NOT. I deserve better.

If you think, I am depressed then yes I am depressed and right now I am heading out. I hope to be back soon but don't know when (minimum is 30 minutes). If you can pull me out of my depression which settled in an hour back, call me or email me or better leave a comment and let's talk.

Update: It even snowed 5 minutes back.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lessons from Jeff Immelt, CEO GE

Just finished watching a great video, courtsey a colleague in the MBA class, Imad.

The video was about Jeff Immelt's visit to NYU Stern School of Business, participated live by 6 other business schools from around the world. Here is the link to the video -

The session was mindblowing. What was impressive were the lessons for an MBA student. He was asked various question but the common theme centered around
  1. Learn to "LEARN".
  2. Learn to "MEET PEOPLE"
  3. Be "COOL".
Other important things I could draw from the lecture were about the sectors that would be important and the areas where an MBA student should and could focus on
  1. Infrastructure
  2. Technology
  3. Energy
  4. Education
Last thing to draw from the lecture was - "Believe in a cause and live for the cause like your life is dependent on it. Do NOT delegate. "

I am impressed. Now it is the practice time, let me see how far can I go with these learnings. It is 'Miles to go Before I sleep'.

Monday, November 3, 2008

MBA is not everyone's cup of tea.

Please raise your hands who agree with me.

Surely it requires a lot of Commitment. The commitment with a big 'C' and not small 'c'.

Networking, thinking and giving shapes to new ideas, selling those ideas to people and then trying to start something new takes lot of energy. I believe there are many superstars in the class and everyone is as good as it gets. With too many things happening around, I really admire the small size of the class otherwise a large number would surely be a big distraction.

Recently there was IBM HR director who came and spoke with the class. It was quite an interesting session, but I think I would have derived much value out of it if he would have given more information about the trends in the industry and how to approach IBM and how IBM would help the students from this school. I am slightly selfish, but I think once companies start visiting my school with recruitment, like they do for LBS where they have to sift through 400+ resumes, the small size would be a great advantage to them.

But, that is long term. Right now there are lot of other things that need to be sorted out. Right now I am working on my CV (for a very long time) and looking for opportunities in Business Development / Management Consulting areas but it is a real hard work without a proper network to wade through plethora of companies around the world. It is very easy to get distracted and lose focus but sometimes posting here helps as a reflection. Don't really know, but if you guys know anything that comes up in my "desired" area do let me know. Is that a pitch? May be yes. But the prospects of not doing what I want to do post MBA is terrifying.

I think an entreprenuerial mindset has its own disadvantage. You get excited about the prospects very easily but to really pursue the same is really a hard work. MBA is also an entreprenuerial journey where you invest and take risk. But, I like that. I am also planning to go for the Rice Business Plan competition. Anyone willing to join? There are two more vacancies in the team. Ha ha.. that's funny, the hunted becomes the hunter. I am looking for opportunities and I am offering here one. Do contact me (you know where and how).

Will post soon with the results of job takers. Meanwhile I finished selling Barcamp here at Lancaster and the initial response seems to be quite good. I hope all goes well on Nov. 15. There is lot of work to complete before that happens. Let me go back to the drawing board now. See u soon.