Last few days have been interesting and disappointing at the same time.
First of all I would like to thank to a special reader/visitor to blog. She is the mother of my colleague in the class and I recently learnt that she has been a regular visitor. Many thanks to her for visiting me and reading into my thoughts. It has been quite an inspirational learning and I wish that my writing invites more such visitors. My friends have off-late complemented me by saying that my thoughts enable them to reflect on their own thoughts. Many thanks to you guys. You all have been a valuable pillar of strength and I am sure I will miss these cherishable moments once the MBA comes to an end.
'MBA comes to an end'. This thought has been exciting and dreadful at the same time. Exciting because it will allow me to head back home, reunite with the family and join the workforce again. India is a happening place and I am certain that there are many opportunities that will materialise in the near future. The thought is dreadful because of uncertainities that surround the economy. Uncertainities are clouding my vision and it appears hazy. I have been trying hard to get an internship in India but the opportunity seems to be slipping away with every new day passing by. I have to submit my partner name (I haven't selected one yet), earn a project (if I don't get anything back home) and then select a title for dissertation and the days are moving by very fast. I just hope that I hear something positive sooner rather than later. An internship in India will enable my transition in the industry easily (that's what I hope).
In the meanwhile, I have created a
group on for 2009 MBA graduates to top b-schools from UK, US and India looking for opportunities in India and elsewhere to network and identify opportunities to help themselves. I think it will gather steam and become self-sustaining in days to come.
The last piece of information is that Lancaster MBAs have won a gold medal at MBAT, the MBA olympics organised at HEC Paris. It is a tremendous achievement given the fact that we lost other tournaments/matches by a very close margin. It was the first outing of Lancaster at MBAT and though we did not storm the tournament with our superlative performances, we did well enough to come at the 13th position in the overall medals tally. Well done Lancaster MBA.